Jane Addams to Linda W. Crawford, October 27, 1924


October 27, 1924

My dear Miss Crawford:

I cannot possibly be in Philadelphia on November 14th. I am going east on purpose for the dinner given to Mrs. Kelley on the evening of November 14th, and I could not reach Philadelphia until the next morning. I speak at three o'clock on Sunday afternoon for the Forum, so my attendance at the board meeting will have to be limited to Saturday 15th and Sunday morning.

I was planning to return to Chicago Monday noon and could stay over one day if you consider it really important, leaving on a night train Monday. I should like ↑however↓ to keep to that ↑my first↓ plan. It seems to me that you have so many fine meetings in Philadelphia perhaps you will let me off!

Hoping to see you soon I am hastily yours, Jane Addams. [signed]

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