Jane Addams to Rosika Schwimmer, April 15, 1924



Hull-House, Chicago
April 15, 1924

Dear Madame Schwimmer:

Vilma Glücklich sailed on the Steamship [Berengaria] April 12 and lands in New York on April 18. This is the Cunard Line. I am writing to her on the boat. Miss Holbrook says that you are going to leave Chicago Friday so I am sending you a copy of the letter I have just written to Vilma Glücklich in case she misses mine at the boat and you see her before I do. She wrote to me asking when and where Madam Ramondt had been made Financial Secretary and if it had been done in a constitutional manner. I am sure the other members of the Board will remember it but evidently Vilma Glücklich was not there. In the general confusion of the last meetings, I was not conscious of it. I am so very glad that she is coming.

Hastily yours,

Jane Addams [signed]