Lillian D. Wald to Jane Addams, February 28, 1924


February 28, 1924.

Beloved Lady:

I went to the meeting at Mrs. Norman Hapgood's yesterday and they seemed to be very optimistic as to money and the luncheon on the 22nd, which has developed out of the plan for the meeting of foreign women's organizations. I am reluctant to add that Sunday afternoon reception for social workers if you are not up to it, and I will wait another week before completing arrangements until I hear how you are.

The two German ladies are in the house and are very attractive and Alice Salomon -- who is at the University Club -- is also attractive.

We are in the midst of a drive (!!) and I have been doing some special work for the German Children. What think you? I have been asked to see that the churches act unitedly for the cause. They seemed to think that I was a safe neutral but my sense of humor is somewhat stirred by that, I must say. However, it really does appear to work.

Much love to you dear.

Yours devotedly,

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Illinois.

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