Ann Reed Brenner to Jane Addams, December 30, 1922


December 30, 1922

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams:

Last year you made your $25 sustaining subscription to Survey Associates on January 6. In November we sent you our general appeal for renewal which went out [to] all members along with our annual statement. That put our whole case before you, the rounding [out] of our tenth year and our [plans] for the beginning of the new decade. We face the next twelve months with added duties and responsibilities and should be particularly glad to receive your renewal now.

Paul Kellogg is just recovering from an attack of typhoid. I know nothing that will be more encouraging to him [upon] his return to his desk than freedom from the financial strain of carrying the Survey for this next year. I sincerely hope I may count on your [cooperation] to make this possible.



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