June 17, 1909.
My dear Miss Addams:
You perhaps noticed in the las t number of The Survey the first of a series of articles on Interstate Competition, which we are carrying on. I am enclosing a copy of a letter from Mrs. Kelley which has been slightly worked over into the form of an article and will be published either this week or next. It seems to me we are somewhat confused on the question. We have been decrying the existence of different standards of labor legislation between the states [illegible] statement in Mrs. Kelley's article and in all others tends to show that different standards do not cause a removal of industries. The important question then is -- what is the evil effect of the different standards in different states? Will you not be kind enough to write an article for The Survey on the subject, making it as long or as short as you wish? I believe there is no one who can bring this situation out as well as yourself and we shall be very grateful indeed if you can do this for us. We would like to have it come out in The Survey within the next two or three weeks.
Sincerely yours,