Jane Addams to Alice Baxter Lachmund, November 26, 1923


November 26, 1923

My dear Miss Lachmund:

I have ventured to send your letters from Germany to [Madeleine] Doty, a great friend of Miss [Heymann] and Dr. [Augsperg], who is trying to bring them over to lecture this winter.

We will either advance $500 from our International fund to pay their way over or after hearing from Miss Doty I will cable to our International Treasurer to send them at least $50 a month till affairs are better. [Gertrud] Baer is being sent for to come over very soon and help organize the Congress on salary, so that she for the moment will be cared for. It is, of course, extremely difficult. While I have been putting efforts for feeding German children and others, our own people apparently have been suffering!

I have asked Miss Doty to return your letters directly to you. Thanking you for them, I am

Faithfully yours,

Jane Addams. [signed]

Miss Alice Lachmund
3935 Castleman Ave.
St. Louis, Mo.

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