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  • Subject is exactly "Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, delegates"

Doty updates Addams about the planning for the upcoming International Congress of Women at Dublin.

Addams sends Hull two letters to send to Madeleine Doty (not found).

Addams asks Balch if Alice Park is on the delegate list for the International Congress of Women at Dublin.

Addams inquires about the status of two delegates for the Dublin Congress.

Blake asks Addams to appoint Alice Park an American delegate to the International Congress of Women.

Doty consults with Addams about the program and traveling expenses for delegates attending the International Congress of Women and describes a trip with Marcelle Capy.

Balch tells Addams that she has sent payment for the Greek delegates.

Addams updates Lewis on her health and notes that the peace delegates are all safely returned to Europe.

A stack of calling cards from delegates of the International Congress of Women in Dublin.

Burke-Plunkett invites Addams to tea with the other delegates to the International Congress of Women.

Doty asks Addams if she can send invitations to delegates to the Fifth International Congress of Women.

Addams tells Martin that they have already selected delegates for the International Congress of Women in Dublin, but she is checking with Hannah Hull.

Doty updates Addams about plans for the international Summer School, the Fifth International Congress in Dublin and responds to correspondence.

Detzer tells Addams that the Philadelphia committee will respond to her question about the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's delegates.

Detzer tells Addams that the Philadelphia Committee has handled the delegate issue.

Addams asks Detzer about the number of out of town delegates.

Addams gives Woods a sense of steps needed to invite other organizations to the International Congress of Women.

Detzer tells Addams that she has been appointed a delegate from the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom to a conference of peace organizations.

Glücklich asks Hull to appoint a Women's International League for Peace and Freedom delegate to the International Council of Women Congress which is to be held in Washington, DC.

Also known as Vilma Glücklich to Jane Addams, June 6, 1925

Glücklich sends information to National Sections about efforts to campaign for compulsory arbitration, and upcoming meetings.

Also known as Vilma Glücklich to Jane Addams, August, 1925

Glücklich sends Addams news from the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Executive Committee meeting on the upcoming congress and other issues.

Glücklich tells Ashby that the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom will send Chrystal Macmillan to be their representative to the League of Nations' International Law Committee.

Glücklich recommends to Hamilton-Gordon that Chrystal Macmillan serve as the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's delegate to the League of Nations committee.

Addams offers Balch her suggestions for Women's International League for Peace and Freedom delegates to the League of Nations and issues to be discussed at the Executive Committee meeting.

Wijnbladh thanks Addams for the time she had in America.