November 24, 1923
Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Ill.
My dear Miss Addams:
The Survey is yours. It belongs to 1600 reader members like yourself -- to you among them -- to make or break.
I should like to underscore that consideration just as soberly and spiritedly as I can, in urging you to renew your $25 contribution by remittance or pledge now.
We are mid-stream -- where every ounce of energy can count in bringing the Survey and Survey Graphic towards self-support. We can forge across if our footing doesn't slip from under us. That footing is not capital; not subsidies; not a rich advertising sales market; not the large gifts of few. It is rather the cooperation of every member of Survey Associates -- your united backing based on your convictions as to the integrity and enduring worth of the work we are doing -- as something you want to share in and help forward.
You will remember that one year [page cut off] went over to our new twice-a-month [page cut off]. What the outcome would be was our [page 2] first concern. The showing exceeds our anticipations. Our new editorial and promotion programs and the new energies we have been putting into them have counted.
In the publishing year ending September 30 last we added on the average an even $500 a month to our business income in $5 subscriptions. We hope to match that showing this new year and to make as stirring a gain in enlisting monthly readers for the Survey Graphic at $3, among the untouched groups to [whom] it should become the harbinger of all the things the Survey stands for. That is our chief concern this fall.
We are, as I write, in the second month of the second year of the second decade of Survey Associates. That ought to augar well for your response by all the comforting theories of planetary coincidences and such like. And it is not over-stating to say that on this response which comes to us this month from you and your fellow members, hangs the outcome of the new year; and with it, of this new decade which we swung into twelve months ago with such high resolve.
Our December Graphic is our report to you. It tells of the year ended and the year begun -- of work performed and of the hope that inspires this letter.