Ethel F. McCollough to Jane Addams, February 10, 1910

Superior Public Library
Ethel F. McCollough

Superior, Wisconsin, Feb. 10 1910

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams;

Pray do not consider me presumptuous for thanking you personally for your Spirit of Youth and the City Streets. You have placed in the hands of the librarians of the country a powerful weapon to be used in the fight for civic righteousness. Its simple direct style, its tone [page 2] of authority and its brevity combine to make it an easy matter for us to influence people to read the book. I expect every member of my staff to read it and having read to push its circulation. For Superior needs to learn the lesson you would teach -- needs to learn the lesson quickly.

Thanking you sincerely. I am,

Very truly yours.

Ethel F. McCollough

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