Jane Addams to Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's United States Section members, November 1, 1922



November 1, 1922.

Dear Fellow Member:

May I send you the enclosed circular in regard to one more International Conference convened by the W.I.L.?

The Members of the International Executive Board who recently met in Europe have called this emergency conference, because they have seen week by week utter despair coming upon the people of Central Europe and upon the other Nations, who are helpless to disentangle themselves from the economic disaster which the existing settlement had brought upon them all.

Public opinion in Europe is agreed that the only remedy lies in changing the basic terms of the peace treaty, and many publicists in the United States are coming to the same conclusion.

We are planning to sail on the S.S. [Volendam], November 21, Mrs. Lewis our National Chairman, and at least ten others of our section are answering this imperative call. We also hope for representatives from other National Organizations of Women in the United States. Each delegate of course to pay her own expenses.

We must, however, not go empty handed to our European members who have had the courage to take on the burden of organizing a World Conference under such difficult conditions. The United States Section in 1919 contributed $15,000 to the Zurich Congress and to the continuation of our International work, and again in 1921 $10,000 for the Vienna Congress. We will need at least the latter amount to make effective this emergency Hague Conference. We have already received $2500 of this amount. Will you not contribute to this Emergency Conference?

Checks for this purpose should be made out to Jane Addams, President W.I.L., and sent to Hull House, Chicago.

In the week following our Conference, December 10-15, the International Federation of Trades Unions is to hold a World Peace Congress at The Hague, which will adopt resolutions against war and militarism.

These two gatherings called without relation to each other, but striking out for the same goal will, we hope, crystalize public opinion, which is gathering force in all nations.

Faithfully yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

Hull House,
800 [Halsted] Street,
Chicago, Illinois.