Amy Woods to Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Members, November 1, 1922


↑about 275 copies sent with letters to "Fellow Members" to International Members listed in National Office↓

↑Nov 1 1922↓

To International Members,

Miss Addams is sending the enclosed letter and circular to all our National members and I am taking the liberty of sending it to the two hundred International members in the United States who are listed in our National Office. If you have already answered a similar appeal from the International Office in Geneva, please forgive me and disregard this letter. If not, I believe you will welcome this opportunity to help financially if possible.

If each International member gave at least five dollars it would add another thousand dollars to the sum Miss Addams has already received.

I have just returned to the United States after seven months of close association with the women of our National Sections in Europe, and I am convinced that they badly need our moral and financial help.


Amy Woods [signed]
National Secretary
W.I.L Section for the United States
1403 H Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C.