Laura Shoemaker Addams to Jane Addams, June 11, 1907

Richmond, Virginia.

RICHMOND, June 11" 1907

My dear Jane

I had expected to be Chicago yesterday Monday, But Sunday Ma developed something like her old [tonsil] trouble and here we are at old Richmond, "laid up for repairs," so to speak. She is much better and the doctor said [today] [page 2] if it was a younger woman we could go on [today], but we do not want to take any risks, and I will wait until she is better and able to travel. But hope to reach Chicago the last of the week--at the fartherest. This is a fine old City and we are very comfortable here in this big hotel. But the weather, as usual is beastly. [page 3] We seem to have a very conservative doctor and can see no reason why every thing will not be alright.

Very hastily and with every so much love.

Laura Addams.

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