Lida Gustava Heymann to Jane Addams, September 15, 1922


Internationale Frauenliga für Frieden und Freiheit -- Deutscher Zweig

MÜNCHEN, den ↑15 Sept.↓ 19↑22.↓
Kaulbachstr. 12 [Ghs?], 1 ↑[Z. Z.?]↓

Dear Jane Addams:

You know that the E. C. of the I.W.L.P.&F. met Sept. 6-13 in Freiburg. We made very successful work and held 2 splendid public-meetings in Freiburg and Offenburg.

But one thing gave us greatest trouble -- and that is the health of Miss Balch -- she has a complete break down of nerves, [specifically?] her memory is so worn out, that she [forgets] things almost instantly. Often it occurred, [that] she did not remember, what she or others had said 5 minutes ago, or what she had done. We all agreed, that she has to take a 4 months rest and that during 2 months she has to get her full salary.

Miss Marshall and I thought, that it is our duty to tell you confidentially, that we, as well as Mrs Ramondt and others are sorry to believe, that Miss Balch will not be able to take up her work in Geneva after 4 months rest. [page 2] To me it is clear, that American friends should come and take care of Miss Balch, or take her back to her family, for she is always homesick for her country. We owe her so much for her work for our cause and I think, we have to help her now, when she is old and broken down, worn out and ↑has↓ lost her strength.

Our bureau in Geneva will be in best hands in the care of Vilma Glücklich from Budapest. She is a person, who knows to [organize] and forward a [cause]. Miss Marshall seems to have regained her old good strength, she looks splendid and is more up to the task than ever. So our work will go on.

We hope to see you in Dec. in The Hague, when our International Conference: "A New Peace" is held, of which Miss Balch’s report will have informed you. We hope very intensely to meet you there.

With much love from Anita Aupspurg and myself believe me

[yours] very sincerely

Lida Gustava Heymann.