Jane Addams to Harold Strong Latham, December 2, 1921

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2 December 1921.

Mr. H. S. Latham,
The Macmillan Co.,
New York City.

My dear Mr. Latham: --

Your letter in regard to the manuscript of the book received this morning, and I immediately telegraphed, as follows:

Most desirous book should appear promptly. Material already old. Absolutely opposed to Kellogg plan. Am writing.

As I have written you before, I had sent the entire manuscript to Mr. Kellogg from which he was to select a [few] chapters which might be published before the book came out. He was anxious to publish more, and suggested in a telegram that the appearance of the book be postponed. I immediately telegraphed my opposition to this plan, and supposed it had been dropped. The material in the book is much more interesting now than it ever will be again, and I should consider it most unfortunate if it is delayed. I am writing Mr. Kellogg by this same mail, feeling that there has been some misunderstanding.

I meant to write you, asking that I be sent a copy of the galley proof as soon as the page proof; I think at the publication of my last book that I received only the latter.

I am planning to be in New York on the 9th of December, and will, if I may, call upon you some time during the morning.

Faithfully yours.

Jane Addams [signed]