Jane Addams to David Bressler, March 18, 1909

Jane Addams to David Bressler, March 18, 1909 001.jpg
Jane Addams to David Bressler, March 18, 1909 002.jpg

March 18, 1909.

My dear Mr. Bresser:-

At the meeting in Richmond of the Conference of Charities and Correction I was made chairman of the Committee on Immigrants, which implies arranging a program for the next Conference to be held in Buffalo from Thursday, June 10th, to Wednesday, June 16th. I am enclosing the program of the meeting in which we are very anxious to have you take a paper on Thursday morning, June 10th, the meeting beginning at 9A.M.

"The Immigrant Finding Work" is the general title of the Conference and I am sure you will agree with me that the whole subject of labor exchange is one of the most important that can be taken up in connection with the Immigrant. If you could tell us something about your society and the [page 2] remarkable work it has accomplished, the success of our meeting would be assured.

The Conference has no treasury beyond what is used for printing so that it will be quite impossible to offer any remuneration, even for traveling expenses. The audience, however, is composed of people who are all dealing with actual social conditions and most of them are frankly in need of help. They are very eager for suggestions, and ready to act upon what they hear, in that respect an unusual congregation to preach to.

Hoping it will be possible for you to respond to this request, I am,

Sincerely yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

Mr. David A. Bresser,
New York.