Jane Addams to Manley Ottmer Hudson, November 11, 1921


11 November 1921.

My dear Mr. Hudson:--

Would it be possible to secure you for a series of lectures on the League of Nations in Chicago some time during the winter? There are several bodies who need very much to be instructed on the subject, and some of them at least would be willing to pay for it. I feel as if I were making the request very bluntly, but am most anxious to take hold of it on the business side and see what we can do.

I have been lecturing myself on the vexed subject, although the fact that the Assembly turned down Dr. Nansen's request and the Silesian decision was a little hard for a recent convert to bear, However, I explain them both as if they had been inevitable.

Faithfully yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

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