Manley Ottmer Hudson to Jane Addams, November 13, 1921


November 13, 1921.

Miss Jane Addams,
800 S. Halsted Street,
Chicago, Ill.

Dear Miss Addams,

It is exceedingly nice to have a line from you.

I should like very much to go to Chicago for two lectures on the League of Nations. I think I might arrange it for the 23rd, 24th and 25th of February. That would enable me to have three whole days there without missing very many lectures here at the law school, and I think three lectures would make a very good series.

I am delighted to know that you have been talking on the subject yourself. If at any time you want any information that I can furnish I shall be only too delighted to send it along to you. Are you getting also the material from Geneva?

I shared your feeling about the Assembly's action on Dr. Nansen's proposition. I think that part of it was due to the fact that Dr. Nansen did not organize his work very well. You know he is a rather difficult person to work with. Moreover, he had to combat the economy wave in Europe and the surviving anti-Bolshevik current. As to Silesia I do not feel sufficiently informed to have an opinion on the merits of the solution which the Council of the League reached. I worked on the legal phases of the Council's action for several weeks and during that period I read [Jouhaux]'s report and a number of other important documents, but I could not possibly reach a conclusion as to the proper solution on the information that I had.

Arthur Sweetser is now in this country and he may be coming to Chicago, in which event I hope he may look you up. Miss Grace Abbott is to be here tomorrow night and Miss Hamilton and the Frankfurters and I are dining her.

Yours ever,