Virginia Potter to Jane Addams, October 5, 1921

National Headquarters

October 5, 1921

My dear Miss Addams:

Knowing how earnestly you have worked in the cause of universal peace, the members of the National Committee of the Woodrow Wilson Foundation feel certain that you must be in sympathy with the ideals and principles which the Foundation seeks to perpetuate. Therefore on their behalf, and as National Chairman of the Women's Committee, I am writing to ask whether you will do us the honor to accept membership on our committee.

The Foundation is entirely free from partisanship and is endorsed by patriotic men and women who put principles above politics. This endorsement has been so general and the progress of the Foundation has been so gratifying that we take it as proof that the American people, regardless of political party and above all other issues, are longing for the world-wide and enduring peace which Woodrow Wilson sought to bring about. Through the granting of the Woodrow Wilson awards, we are seeking to emphasize for this generation and to perpetuate for posterity, the ideals which inspired his policies.

Your absence abroad has prevented us from making this request at an earlier date. Now we hope we soon may receive your approval of the project and the acceptance of membership on the Committee.

Sincerely yours,

Virginia Potter [signed]
Chairman, Women's Committee.
Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Ill.

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