Mina Caroline Ginger Van Winkle to Jane Addams, November 21, 1917


November 21, 1917

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Illinois

My Dear Miss Addams:

We are today writing to Miss Lucia Neare, Civic Secretary, the Woman's City Club, 811 Neave Building, Cincinnati, Ohio, that you will speak for Food Conservation at the meeting on January 12th.

We have informed the Club that since you were speaking for us only twice a month, we could not agree to ask you to speak for anything other than Food Conservation and that if this is not satisfactory to them they would have to write you direct for a date. The Club states that they will be willing to meet your traveling expenses from Chicago.

With reference to your trip to Hot Springs, we did agree to meet the expenses of same and if you will forward the amount we shall be glad to refer the matter to the proper department for adjustment. In itemizing the account please state the time as well as day you left Chicago and arrived in Hot Springs and also the time and date of leaving Hot Springs and arrival in Chicago.

Our office has just been moved from the Old Gordon Hotel on Sixteenth Street to a new building at Eighteenth and D Streets and it was during the upheaval that we wired asking you to speak at Des Moines on the date which you had already accepted for Denver. Naturally we had a record of your Denver arrangement but our files being inaccessible we did not have the date sufficiently in mind, which accounts for the over-sight. [page2]

Trusting that your trip to Denver will be a ↑pleasurable one↓, we are,


U.S. Food Administration
Speaking Division