Jane Addams to Sarah Alice Addams Haldeman, March 24, 1908


En Route to Chicago

March 24" 08


My dear Alice

I have had a very comfortable journey and am much impressed with the magnitude of Women's Colleges. My time at Bryn Mawr was so short that it seemed worse than useless to go into the matter of Marcet's leaving [although] of course we spoke of it and Miss Thomas expressed her regrets.

I hope very much that you will accept Cousin Eliza's invitation to come up to [page 2] Kansas City next month. I had a very [charming] letter from her forwarded to me at Boston.

Clara went with me to Washington & Baltimore and we had a real lark together -- the whole trip has been refreshing [although] I am most anxious to get back, H. H. has gotten so involved in the Chief of Police shooting affair. With love to Marcet and much to yourself 

Always your loving sister

J. A.