Society for Ethical Culture of New York News-Letter, May 8, 1921


The Society for Ethical Culture of New York

Central Park West and 64th Street


Forty-fifth Anniversary Year

VOL. XVIII.           MAY, 1921          No. 7

All meetings will start punctually at the hour announced, and in order not to waste time, delegates and visitors are earnestly requested to be in their seats a few minutes in advance.

Thursday, May 5th
10.30 A.M. Sharp
Ceremonial Hall
American Ethical Union Business Meeting
     Mr. Robert D. Kohn, Presiding.

Reports from foreign delegates --
     Mr. H. J. Golding
     Dr. Wilhelm [Börner].

Report of the Treasurer -- Mr. A. M. Bing.

Annual Report of the Standard -- Dr. D. S. Hanchett.

Report of plan for regional federation -- Mr. Ralph Jonas.
1.00 P.M. Sharp
Mrs. Ollesheimer's home
550 Park Ave
Delegates’ Luncheon

Brief reports from the constituent Societies of the American Ethical Union.
2.30 P.M. Visits to School for Printers’ Apprentices and other points of interest.
8:30 P.M. Sharp
2 West 64th Street
Open Meeting of the Merchants’ and Lawyers’ Group

Topic -- Steps in the application of the principles of Ethics to law and industry.
     Prof. E. R. A. Seligman, Presiding.

Presentation and discussion of Merchants’ Code --

Speakers: Dr. Felix Adler
     Messrs. Moritz Kirchberger
     B. Edmund David
     Leo Hirsch.

Presentation and discussion of Lawyers’ Code --
Speakers: Mr. Miles M. Dawson
     and others.

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Friday, May 6th
10.30 A.M. Sharp
Ceremonial Hall
2 West 64th Street

Women's Day
     Mrs. Henry Ollesheimer, Presiding.

Topic  -- The Opportunity of the Women of the Ethical Societies in the new life of today, as expressed:

through Industry --
     Miss Mary Dreier;

through Citizenship --
     (speaker to be announced);

in the family --
     Miss Jean Hamilton;

in Religious organizations --
     Mrs. Anna Garlin Spencer.

to be followed by an

1.00 P.M.
Informal Luncheon and Social Hour for women of the Society and their out-of-town guests.

Friday, May 6th
2.30 P.M.

Auto trips to places of interest in town and suburbs for visitors and delegates.
8.15 P. M. Sharp
a. Basement Assembly
a. Meeting of the International City Club
under the auspices of the Women of the New York Ethical Society:

Mr. Alfred W. Martin: "The New Internationalism."

National Songs and Addresses from Foreign Countries.

followed by a
b. Auditorium b. Dramatic Program by the Alumni of the Ethical Culture School.
Saturday, May 7th
10.00 A.M. Sharp
Ceremonial Hall
Problems of Religious Education
     Mr. S. Burns Weston, Presiding.

Dr. Felix Adler: "Religious Education from childhood to adult life, considering the Sunday School as a stage in the scheme."

Mr. Percival Chubb: "The Use of the Symbol in Ethics Education."

Dr. Henry Neumann: "The Use of Texts for Teachers and Pupils."

Dr. J. L. Elliott: "The Function of the Teacher."

Five Minute Presentations of New Phases of Moral and Religious Education Work:

Mrs. S. S. Goldwater: "Parents and Teachers Association."

Dr. Percy Houseman: "What the Philadelphia Society has gained from a study of Dr. Adler's 'Ethical Philosophy of Life.'"

Miss Lida Stokes Adams and others.
Afternoon Visits to Madison House (3.00 P.M.) and Hudson Guild (4.30 P.M.).
8.15 P.M.
Ceremonial Hall
Round Table Conference for Young People on Relation of Young People to the Society.
Sunday, May 8th
10.45 A.M.

11.00 A. M. Sharp
Musical Program

Speakers: Mr. Horace J. Bridges
     Mr. Percival Chubb
     Mr. H. J. Golding
     Dr. Felix Adler

Responsive exercises by children, young people and audience.
6.30 P. M.
Basement Assembly
Family Buffet Supper
Dr. David Saville Muzzey, Presiding.

Brief talks by
     Prof. Nathaniel Schmidt
     Mr. George E. O'Dell
     Dr. Wilhelm [Böerner]
     Mr. Daniel G. Crandon
     and others.
8.30 P. M.
Program of music and tableaux
arranged by the Junior Group.

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Headquarters: During the Anniversary Celebration the Conference Headquarters, Room 46 of the Society Building, will be open daily as an information bureau for members, delegates and guests.

Registration: All out-of-town delegates and visitors will kindly register at Room 46 upon arrival and secure guest cards for the luncheons, supper and afternoon outings.

Visits to Settlements: Members of the Societies, not official delegates, are cordially invited to attend the reception at Madison House (3 clock), and Hudson Guild (4.30 o'clock) Saturday afternoon. It will not be possible, however, to provide automobiles for them.

Time: Out-of-town visitors should remember that New York City now maintains Daylight Saving Time, one hour earlier than Standard Railroad Time.