Committee on American and Japanese Relations Invitation List, April 8, 1921


Invitation is being sent to the following persons:

Political Leaders

Honorable William Jennings Bryan

Honorable Thomas R. Marshall

Honorable Elihu Root

Honorable William Howard Taft

Honorable Woodrow Wilson

Major General Leonard Wood


Bishop Charles H. Brent Buffalo

Rev. Dr. Francis E. Clark Boston

Archbishop John J. Glennon St. Louis

Archbishop Edward J. Hanna San Francisco

Archbishop Patrick Joseph Hayes New York

Bishop [E. R. Hendrix] Kansas City

Bishop William F. McDowell Washington D.C.

Bishop Francis J. McConnell Denver

Bishop William T. Manning New York

Dr. John R. Mott New York

Dr. Herbert [E.] Speer New York

Bishop Charles David Williams Detroit

Dr. Stephen S. Wise  New York


Miss Jane Addams Chicago

Miss [Carrie] Chapman Catt New York

Mrs. Helen B. Montgomery Rochester

Mrs. Percy V. Pennybacker Austin

Mrs. Frank A. Vanderlip Scarborough


Dr. James Rowland Angell Yale University

Pres. Nicholas Murray Butler Columbia University

Pres. W. H. P. Faunce Brown University

Pres. Harry Pratt Judson Chicago University

Pres. A. Lawrence Lowell [Harvard] University

Pres. E. Y. Mullins So. Baptist Theological Seminary

Authors & Journalists

Lyman Abbott New York, New York.

Winston Churchill Cornish, N. Hampshire.

Frank Irving Cobb New York, New York.

Clarence Poe of Raleigh, N. Carolina

James Ford Rhodes Boston, Massachusetts.

Chester H. Rowell Fresno, California

Albert Shaw New York, New York

William Allen White Emporia, Kansas [page 2]

Business Men

Wallace Alexander San Francisco

Henry P. Davison New York

Cleveland H. Dodge New York

George Eastman Rochester

Edward A. Filene Boston

Judge Elbert H. Gary New York

Judge Julian W. Mack New York

Samuel [Mather] Cleveland

John D. Rockefeller, Jr. New York

Julius Rosenwald Chicago

Charles M. Schwab New York

Frank A. Vanderlip New York

Labor Leaders

Samuel Gomers Washington, D.C.

James Duncan, Seattle, Washington.

Item Relations

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