Emily Greene Balch to Jane Addams, February 25, 1921



6, rue du Vieux-Collège

Feb. 25, 1921.

Dear Miss Addams,

I want to acknowledge and thank you for your vote. I trust that before this reaches you you will have my letter explaining that the Ex. Committee meets in Vienna. I am delighted to hear that you and Mary Smith are really planning to sail on June 4. When you are in Lugano you are on the straight line to Zürich through which you go to Vienna and I think it will be as convenient for you to have the meeting in Vienna as in Geneva and more so for most people as they will be coming to Vienna in any case and Geneva would be for most of them an entirely additional trip.

We are collecting a library of pacifist literature and are delighted to receive books and pamphlets.

I am glad to hear that you get the impression of movement from our last letter and that things are also going more actively in the United States. I have the same impression -- that the post-war apathy is beginning to break up, that pacifists have not quite such hard sledding as they had.

Thank you for Lady Aberdeen's letter. It is written in a very good spirit. I [hope] that the time will come when we shall find some way of making the force of the different women's organizations converge without losing independence and separate character.

↑Yours affectionately↓

Emily G Balch [signed]

↑I enclose a letter from Mrs. Swanwick to destroy when read. Mrs. Swanwicks friends are getting up a money present for her -- her circumstances are difficult, she is always working [page 2] really beyond her strengths to make the ends meet and now comes the heavy expense of operation and convalescence. She is to do nothing for 3 months at least. The treasurer is Mrs. Raymond Unwin.

Wyldes North End
London NW 3

They think they shall get about £200 -- I am pleased.

E G B↓