Frederick Paul Keppel to Jane Addams, August 19, 1920


August 19, 1920.

Miss Jane Addams,
800 S. Halsted Street,
Chicago, Illinois.

My dear Miss Addams:

Following our custom in previous years, a Roll Call Committee is being formed to stand before our Red Cross Personnel and the American Public, alike, as sponsors for the Membership Roll Call, November 11-25, inclusive.

Mr. H. P. Davison has consented to serve as Chairman of this Committee. We desire to include in its membership those who bore a leading part in our War Activities; those who cooperated with the Red Cross as members of Governmental Organizations, and those whose sympathy and aid carried the Red Cross message far and wide.

The work of such a committee during the Roll Call will consist largely in creating a morale among the Division and Chapter workers by the consciousness that the old leaders are still standing by [page 2] and aiding in the work. Where opportunity arises, we shall, of course, be glad of any word or influence that may aid in the success of the Roll Call.

Are you willing to serve as a member of the Roll Call Committee of 1920? Assuring you of our appreciation of your acceptance, I am

Yours very sincerely,

F. P. Keppel [signed]
Vice Chairman,
Central Committee,
American Red Cross.

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