J. H. Olivier to Jane Addams, February 24, 1920 (fragment)

Chicago Ill Feb. 24/20
4733. Prairie Ave
J H Olivier

Miss Jane [Addams]

Dear Miss [Addams] --

I have just finished reading a statement written by you in voice of the people column-section in the "greatest news paper in the world": Views on deportations. As a common work'g man I have seldom even taken much interest in public-spirited women, because I [entertained] an idea that such women were too full of isms, and that they were generally the dupe of scheming men, ecclesiastically, if not otherwise. [page 2]

But I am forced to take ↑off↓ mon chapeau to thou. It is not because I am a descendent of the Ethiopian race; and that I am an indirect beneficiary of your views, but because of the philosophy, justice, unselfishness & truth of your contribution. Coming from a woman, it carries more weight -- with me, than if it had been promulgated by a man. I do not feel that I might say to you: how can I bear [it] believe what you say, when I think of who you are and what you are [missing page(s)?]

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