Martha Carey Thomas to Jane Addams, May 7, 1908


May 7, 1908.

Dear Miss Addams,

I am distressed not to have answered your letter of April 16 before this. My only excuse is that I have been away from my office five weeks this spring on account of repeated attacks of influenza, and am completely overwhelmed by the interviews and letters which have accumulated during my absence.

There has also been a little delay because we were not sure whether it would be necessary to raise the money for your lectures by private subscription, but now all our difficulty has been completely solved by the officers of the National American Woman Suffrage Association assuming the expense of your lectures, to be paid out of the fund for new suffrage work which Miss Garrett and I were so very happy as to be able to raise.  I am sending to Mrs. Upton, the Treasurer, a bill of which I enclose you a copy.  Will you let me know if it is incorrect?

It is impossible for me to tell you in the brief time at my disposal -- I am writing this letter just before a series of interviews which will take me the rest of the day -- how greatly your lectures have helped the suffrage cause.  We receive from every quarter unanimous testimony to the conviction you brought home to your hearers.  People who have been unwilling to consider the subject before are now warm believers in it.  One of your most important disciples is now Professor Vida Scudder of Wellesley.  After your address at Bryn Mawr, twenty-nine students who had been unconvinced capitulated; and it has been so everywhere.  Miss Garrett and I are delighted with the results.

I am so glad to hear from Mrs. Haldeman that Miss Haldeman still seems well.  It seems to have been the right thing for her to leave the college when she did.

Very sincerely yours,

Miss Jane Addams.