November 22d, 1917
My dear Mrs. Post:
Miss Addams left yesterday for Colorado where she will speak for the Food Administration at an Inter-state meeting.
Before she left she asked me to push the announcements to the members as much as possible and I have been working at that today. It has finally seemed best to send out the announcement in much the same form as last year, without names of speakers, of course. In the first place, the letterheads which would have had to be used in a letter are growing scarce and I thought it would not be wise to print more until after our meeting. And then in writing out the announcement it did not seem to take shape as well in a letter form, so I have had it printed in the form of last year. They will go out tomorrow and Saturday. I was very grateful for the suggestions you made.
I have written to Miss Gale and will report as soon as I hear from her. In answer to the various questions contained in your letter, I would say, I am sending you a copy of last year's program which is corrected up to date as regards State Chairmen. I do not think it is at all necessary to have this list of names on the program. We have lost two quite recently, one from Indiana and one from North Dakota, both very active heretofore, and I hope they may be induced to remain with us. I would prefer not to print the list just now.
In regard to the officers, I think Mrs. Catt's name probably ought to be dropped; she has resigned and when we ordered new stationery her name was to be omitted. I think she would prefer not to be mentioned. Mrs. Thomas's resignation has not yet been acted on and she should, I think, be included.
I am sorry Miss Addams is not here to give her opinion in reference to Mr. Hull, Dr. Rowe, Mrs. Lewis, Mrs. Crane and Mrs. Fels. But I am sure she would wish to leave all these matters to the judgment of the Committee.
Very sincerely yours,