Henri La Fontaine to Jane Addams, January 18, 1917

Buffalo, 1917.01.18.
Hotel Statler
Miss Jane Addams
Hull House
Chicago Ill.

My dear Miss Addams.

When I had the great pleasure of meeting you at Washington last December you asked me to inform you in the case I would be able to reach Chicago and you suggested that it would be possible for you to arrange some lectures for me in this city and its near [neighborhood]. As you remark we are now in Buffalo and I hoped to go to Grand Rapids. Unfortunately this last project is to be given up and I would very readily come to Chicago, now we are half way from it, if my [traveling] expenses could be covered by the honorarium of some addresses in clubs or elsewhere.

I can dispose of my time till far in February being obliged to reach Philadelphia the 23d. of this month, in order to give four lectures on the World Organization at the Law School of the University.

Would you be so kind, by return of post, to inform me if I may risk to protract my voyage till Chicago and foster the hope of finding some interesting work to perform there.

Thanking you in advance for your precious help, I am

Very cordially yours.

H. La Fontaine. [signed]