Eliza Halstead Vincent to Jane Addams, November 24, 1915

606 West Main St
Urbana, Illinois,
November 24, 1915.

My dear Miss Addams; --

In response to the appeal to be made on Friday by Ethel Snowden of England, and Madame Rosika Schwimmer of Hungary to President Wilson, I hastily forward a contribution to be used as may, to your mind, be thought advisable. For an evidence of good [page 2] faith I refer you to Mrs. Grace Wilbur Trout, with whose delegation from Illinois I was privileged to go to Washington and march in the memorable Parade of 1913.

I am personally known to Mrs. Trout as a writer and ardent suffragist of the Twin-Cities of Urbana and Champaign, Illinois, and my desire to be of service to humanity prompts my labors.

Please find enclosed stamps for the return of a manuscript if unused, and if used please [page 3] to kindly advise me, as I am anxious for the consummation of this wonderful Peace Movement to a happy and early ending.

If there is aught in my power to do, I am at the service of those directing this beautiful, humane effort in courting <the> Dove of Peace, under whose protecting wings the multitudes seek rest.

May it please God to stay the sword and apply His healing balm to the stricken nations of the earth speedily. [page 4]

Oh waves of Galilee,
Tempestuous though ye be,
And dark the night!
Through the depressing gloom
Faith views beyond the tomb
Heaven's Light!
Someday the earth shall rise,
To greet the sunny skies,
Smiling and fair!
And He, who from His throne
"Keeps watch above His own"
Will reign forever.

Very sincerely yours,

Mrs. Eliza Vincent,
606 West Main St. Urbana, Illinois.