Minutes of meeting on board the S. S. Noordam, April 26, 1915


Meeting evening, Monday evening April 26

Miss Addams in the chair

As to question of plan of order of preference in point of time

Voted to first of all secure printing of versions of Miss Wales' pamphlet as far as ready.

[A] telegram from Ambassador Page read to following effect

London -- 1.45 pm April 26. Miss Jane Addams. S.S. Noordam

The British authorities have completely suspended traffic with Holland for the present. There are no ships leaving [this] kingdom for Dutch ports and I greatly regret that is beyond my power to aid you in this matter. Even American diplomatic officers may not pass. I should be obliged if you would communicate this to your fellow passengers particularly to M [illegible] Z Doty & Mary Heaton Vorse who have telegraphed me similar request.

American Ambassador

Treasurers Report

186 [rec'd]

wireless to Hague   3.45
printing [list] et al.   12.  
telegrams &c   2.05


Moved that a steering committee be appointed.

Amended by consent to postpone till after conference with the other American delegates

<Voted on amended [form]>

Voted to meet at 7 p.m. at Central Hotel Tuesday ev'g.

Voted to have read acct of policy of [peace] conference as explained by our English Delegate Margaret Hills (Mrs H. W. Hills) in Weekly Dispatch April 25 p. 3.

Moved but not voted to read the program.

Mrs. Lawrence spoke of the character of the Conference, of its inevitable informality and of probability that rather than debate on floor should [illegible] leave much to meeting outside of meetings of the leaders and as much as possible unanimous consent [page 2]

Miss Addams spoke in same sense but was less more in favor of free debate & conference

Mr Lochner: plea for [illegible] sending in all matter of all relating to the conference to 116 So. Michigan Av. Chicago, will [collate] and preserve and later pass over to Miss Addams.

Voted that the meeting desires to see this is the sense of this meeting that this plan be carried out as far as possible.

Voted (Miss Breckinridge) a vote of thanks for the courtesy and kindness of the [illegible] Captain and other members of his staff, under all the special demands made on their cooperation & consideration