Louisa B. Poppenheim to Jane Addams, July 9, 1904



July 9th 1904

My dear Miss [Addams]:

I have been waiting for our new stationary before sending you a formal communication but I have decided that time is too valuable to wait any longer.

At the meeting of the new Board of the General Federation it was decided that all standing Committees of the General Federation should hold over until their successors are appointed. I was authorized to notify you that all chairmen would hold office until October first, when your successor will be appointed. The enclosed resolution was [page 2] also referred to your committee until the new one is appointed. I hope that you are rested from the efforts of the [Biennial?] and that I may have the pleasure of seeing you at our next one.

I am out on our cotton plantation enjoying the freedom of country life and assisting in civilizing some of the field hands--a type very different from house servants. With best wishes for your summer, and wishing you continued success in your broad field, I am

Very cordially yours
Louisa B. Poppenheim
Cor. Sec. G.F.W.C.

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