Sidney Lewis Gulick to Jane Addams, March 2, 1917


World Alliance for Promoting International Friendship through the Churches

General Office, 105 EAST 22D STREET, NEW YORK

March 2, 1917

Miss Jane Addams,
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams:

The American Council of the World Alliance for Promoting International Friendship through the Churches cordially invites you to become a member of this Council and to cooperate with us in the great task of Christianizing international relations.

You are no doubt familiar with the general purpose and work of this great international movement of Christians. Under separate cover we mail you copies of our literature from which you will be able to learn in detail, not only our general aims, but also the specific methods now in use.

You will be interested in knowing that the Council is planning to increase its membership in the near future. This decision has been taken view of the conviction expressed at the Conference of Christian Women on International Friendship, that the Christian women of the United States could make their most effective contribution to World Friendship if they were given opportunity to cooperate [page 2] as an integral part of the American Council of the World Alliance.

We earnestly desire your moral support and your active aid. We know you are already busily occupied with many social, philanthropic and religious duties. And yet the Kingdom of God in international affairs can be established only as millions of Christian individuals of leadership and influence add this new task to those they now carry.

Since it is difficult in many instances for us to secure the correct names, addresses, degrees and official positions of the ladies, will you not kindly fill out the enclosed blank and return it with your acceptance.

Hoping to receive a favorable response, I am

Yours for a Christian World-Order,

Sidney L. Gulick [signed by secretary]

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