Sarah Alice Addams Haldeman to Matthew Marvin, October 31, 1913

The State Bank of Girard.

Girard, Kansas October 31st, 1913.

Mr. Matthew Marvin --

Dear Sir --

At Last my sister has returned from the East; she has signed the leases and I am asking you to return one of them, and the notes after they are signed <to me here>; since she thinks I will be at Cedarville much oftener than she will; and I will keep in touch with you, and thus relieve her of all care. With You as Agent I imagine neither of us will have much to do. It is upon your judgement that we are making this move; and you have my full confidence in your judgement; it is like a row of bricks, for in return, my sister has full confidence in my [judgment]. Thus it is up to Mr. Keene to make the contract equally profitable to all parties -- which I do not doubt he will.

I don't know what is the matter with my "Remington" tonight, but I am sure You can read Our best wishes to you and Mrs. Marvin,


S. Alice Haldeman [signed]

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