Jane Addams and Louise de Koven Bowen to Edgar Addison Bancroft, June 13, 1916


For Mrs. Emmons Blaine.



June 13, 1916.

My dear Mr. Bancroft: --

As Chairman of the Committee to raise and distribute a memorial fund for Dr. Henry B. Favill, may we venture to lay before you the following plan.

We would suggest that this foundation or fund be used for the building, equipment and endowment of a memorial institute for the prevention, control and treatment of all social diseases.

For many years writers on the subject of the social evil, from the great Dr. Morel in Switzerland to Dr. Prince Morrow in New York, have constantly deprecated the fact that the treatment of so-called "social diseases" has been left largely in the hands of quacks which has resulted in the unchecked spread of these highly communicable maladies to thousands of innocent women and children. Only slowly are reputable physicians breaking their "conspiracy of silence" and only very gradually are reputable hospitals receiving such cases.

Dr. Favill was original and fearless in his attitude toward all social problems and was interested in every phase of civic righteousness. It would seem, therefore, particularly appropriate that a great memorial in his name should be the pioneer in this new effort to study and treat these diseases openly as other diseases are treated. It would, of course, be a radical movement but quite in line with the advanced policies always pursued by Dr. Favill.

It is quite possible that there are many reasons why a "Favill Memorial Institute for the Study of Social Diseases" may not seem practicable to your Committee. May we ask, therefore, the privilege of submitting another plan which is in our minds before you make your final decision.

Sincerely yours,

(Signed) Jane Addams.
(Signed) Louise de Koven Bowen.
Edgar Bancroft, Esq.,
Chicago, Illinois.

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