Jane Addams to Mary Rozet Smith, October 5, 1904




Your letter came last night and was a great comfort. I had addressed an envelope to you the first evening but there is nothing in it, owing to the astonishing number of local notes to be written. The Sunday evening of the Peace Congress was one of the most magnificent services I ever attended. Mary McDowell wept by my side while I found vent for my emotions in song such as I seldom do -- or people seldom hear I suppose. [page 2] The meetings are pretty continuous and some of them filled with platitudes, but on the whole it is a fine group of people trying to do a real thing and I [fill?] up from time to time. I saw Cornelia & Mr Niver the first Sunday evening & hope to see them again. Mary O'Sullivan and G. Barnum turned up at once of course. The latter is in a terrible state of turmoil over the Fall River strikers. [page 3] She spoke very well about them the other evening at Denison House after Mr Brooks had told us astonishing things of Colorado. Mary O'Sullivan's address is 1 Dudley St. Boston. She keeps a room there and all her best clothes, reserving her old ones for the sea shore. She and Mrs Lillie have struck up quite a friendship. Mrs Woods is very gentle and good to me and I am really [knowing] her for the first time. [page 4] Mr Woods spoke to me of your mother last evening with such appreciation, I wish that you might have heard him.

The weather is perfectly heavenly -- a lot of [views?] of the sea I wish that my whilom invalid were here. Miss Wald comes on Friday and an ex. com. of the W.T.U.L meets then.

Please give my love to your father and Aunt Sarah and believe me always & forever thine J. A.

I have just written to Mrs Dewey, it was all I could do not to apologize for having had [illegible] nice time!