Jane Addams to Julia Grace Wales, February 18, 1916


Feb. 18, 1916

My dear Miss [Wales]: --

I thank you very much for both of your letters which it was certainly a great pleasure to receive.

I can't tell you how glad I am that you are staying over and your long months of hard thinking on the proposition, I am sure, are going to make a great difference. I should like to urge, however, that early in the Conference an effort be made to collect the various programs which have been put out by all sorts of people in the warring and neutral countries that shall be published and translated and, so far as possible, exchanged between the various nations. I am sure that the League for Democratic Control, for instance, in England has made splendid effort to get the situation clarified but they themselves say they have had very little intercourse with the other side.

I have written to Mr. Lochner about my plan; I am quite sure that I ought to go to Holland first for the meeting of our International Woman's Committee but that need not imply a long [delay]. I found it hard to go West instead of sailing from New York in the other direction but I am quite convinced of the wisdom of the doctor's decision. I have to be in bed a great deal of the time and, the quicker this stage is taken hold of, the more quickly I will be able to be of some use. <I almost envy you in spite of your difficulties.>

With cordial greetings to all of you, I am,

Affectionately yours,