Robert Baker to Daniel Kiefer, October 24, 1914



325 E. 21st St.,
Brooklyn, N.Y.,
October 24, 1914.

Dear Kiefer:

In reference to yours of October 7th concerning Dr. Logan's "Peace Plan" would say that it is too soon to judge the temper of the world towards the aggressor to formulate a plan.

Past experiences have shown the impossibility of getting Americans to think of more than one thing at a time in a campaign, and I imagine this applies with even greater force to the whole world.

As I see it, the one over-shadowing evil which this war must settle is the extirpation of militarism -- the rule of might. The more colossal the loses it will produce, and the more dastardly the acts of those who through this long planned war aimed to subjugate the world, the more readily will mankind everywhere agree on the measures to extirpate it.


<(Ex Congressman)>

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