William Isaac Hull to Jane Addams, November 29, 1915


November 29, 1915.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hotel Biltmore,
New York City, N.Y.

Dear Miss Addams: --

I sent a night letter in reply to Mr. Ford's telegram, but having received his letter this morning and your telegram yesterday, I am writing this note of explanation to you, -- for I realize <that> yours is the guiding hand in this enterprise, and I realize also the intensity of your devotion to the good cause.

The plan appeals to me as full of hopeful promise, and I would not permit either health, or danger, or criticism, or ridicule from preventing my eager participation in it. Unfortunately, however, I have just returned to college this autumn after fifteen months of absence and have just gotten the the tange <tangled> threads of college duty straightened out and well in hand; I feel, therefore, that the duty which I owe to the college necessitates my foregoing the opportunity of adding my small efforts to this <yours> in the attempt to stop the war. So strong has this feeling been that I have not even consulted the college authorities in regard to the matter.

With my very best wishes for your voyage and its happy and successful ending, and for your own personal welfare, I am,

Cordially yours,

Wm. I. Hull [signed]


Would you be willing to invite President Swain of Swarthmore College?>

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