Frederick Lynch to Jane Addams, July 14, 1915


The Christian Work Continuing The Evangelist and The New York Observer


July Fourteenth

My dear Miss Addams:

Yesterday I called up the Henry Street Settlement and learned that you had gone to Bar Harbor for a much needed rest and that you would return to New York only for a short time. As you know, we editors are selfish creatures, therefore I am reminding you that we are very anxious to start our new Woman's Page with an interview with you on the origin, purpose, etc. of the Woman's Peace Party. Won't you give Mrs. Wilds, who has charge of this page, a few minutes conversation with you when you return to New York? Will you drop her a line direct, as she is not always at the office. Her address is Mrs. Edith Wilds, 537 West 121st Street, New York City. She will keep any appointment that you are able to make.

Hoping that you are getting a good rest, I am,

Yours very sincerely,

Frederick Lynch [signed]

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