Catherine Elizabeth Marshall to Jane Addams, June 24, 1915

27 Catherine Street
Buckingham Gate
June 24

Dear Miss Addams

You realize, I hope, how very grateful the British [Com.] is to you for all that you have done for us, both in your travels abroad, & during your stay in this country.

I want also to express, if I may, my personal sense of the very great privilege it has been to meet [page 2] you & to have the inspiration of your leadership in the great & difficult work to which we have set our hand. You have helped us, both as an organization & as individual women, more than you can know.

I only hope that we have not quite tired you out, with all the speaking & interviews you have undertaken during the last few days. We will see to it that it shall all bear fruit.

I hope you saw Lord Bryce & Mr. Asquith this evening.

With kind regards to Miss Hamilton, & all good wishes for a safe & prosperous voyage.

Believe me

Yours very sincerely

Catherine E. Marshall. [page 3]

P. S. to letter

If you do not after all sail on Saturday will you send me a card to Nile House, Sennen Cove, Land's End Cornwall? And if you find you can go & see Mr. McKenna ring up his Secy, Mr Hamilton, at The Treasury, & ask for another appointment -- but I am afraid he will probably go away for the [weekend]. C. E. M.