My dear Miss Addams,
My sister wrote me from Bailey's Island that you are urging women to work for Peace.
I have not read any message from you, but whatever can be done, I should like to help. [page 2] I have been trying to help in thought ever since a suggestion of war was made.
I even avoided the use of the word, and have not read the news, especially on bulletin boards, except to look for good, which I can always find, somewhere.
I have not told you yet (but do now) that [page 3] I well remember attending a musical one Sunday evening at Hull House, with my beloved Aunt Fanny Root.
My mother, who was Helen Root, is the only one of the five sisters on this earth now, and dear Uncle William the only one of the three Root brothers.
I will not use any more of my time on my family but this will show [page 4] that I am honest, generally willing to work, and not very wealthy in money!
The first thing I was burning to do, was to stop the war! It seemed as if I must write to Kaiser William himself, and say, "Dear Brother, What are you thinking of! Stop, and realize what you are doing!" or words to that [page 5] tour of the newspaper offices in this city to ask the editor in charge of the bulletin boards to put Peace prophecies on in capitals, and the horrible news (if any) in small print, for people would read it, anyway if they chose to.
Of course the first one said, as I knew he was likely to, that he put what the public demanded, & I said that [page 6] I am one of the public, & I demand Peace news, even if they have to make it up, as they do some of the War news.
He was perfectly good-natured, but very busy so I left him to meditate on it, and had to go to my summer house before I tried the others.
I talk Peace to everyone who mentions the other thing, and I attend a meeting of "New [page 7] island children."
Some peace-loving woman has done a good thing here, in the shape of Peace Pillows, which I saw in one of the stores, one with a flag, and "Let us have Peace," another with a dove, and "Peace hath her victories."
I went in to inquire, and they have them stamped, to be embroidered.
I had been thinking [page 8] of posters in large letters of the same kind, to offset the other words.
The Christian Scientists really have the best of it, saying that Spiritually, there is no war! And it sometimes seems as if that may be the only or surest way to bring Peace, if we can be firm in it.
But I want to be sure to know if there is anything outward [page 9] and positive to do beside the inward affirmations.
Edna L. Carter, in Unity says that Peace is the effect of Righteousness, and therefore R. must come before P. (queer as <it> may seem, alphabetically!).
That would make it again seem desirable to write to the Kaiser or King George!
Somehow, I have a feeling of a greater [page 10] possibility of "warming up" the former, than the latter.
It would not be "taking sides" because it would be asking him to help bring peace.
I am often surprised and almost dismayed at the hopeless, persistent prophecies of evil that I get from Christian people when [page 11] I suggest thinking and talking Peace!
Then I conclude to do all my work inside, -- till the next time my impulse rises up to say something!
Please pardon my writing so much!
I have not got the address of the Peace Society people, either men or women, [though] I still intend to. [page 12] But if I can join in any movement, signing or working, I should like to have the opportunity hoping it is not too much trouble for you to show the way.
Pres. Wilson seems to be so besieged with suggestions, that perhaps it might be well to appeal to newspapers, especially to ask them to stop cultivating [page 13] a war spirit in the children by their hideous suggestions.
And do you think it would do for women to begin to stop the making & selling of war toys, -- guns, swords [etc.]? (I would keep drums and flags, -- certainly the flags)
I am very truly
Your friend ([though] I do not expect you to remember [page 14] me)
Sarah Root Adams.
We may be related, notwithstanding your two d's.