Jane Addams to David Starr Jordan, April 9, 1915


April 9, 1915

My dear Dr. Jordan: --

We are off for The Hague on Tuesday -- a fool's errand, perhaps! But, at any rate, forty American women are now committed to it and I understand that the response from the European women, both of the neutral and belligerent nations, is most gratifying. Dr. Lochner of the Chicago Peace Society has decided to go with us, and we are hoping that Mr. Hamilton Holt may yet decide to be one of our party. I am afraid that all this means that it will be impossible for me to be away from Hull-House in June and July if I am to be away in April and May, and I have therefore very reluctantly postponed my trip to California until the last of August or the first of September. I shall hope to be there for the meeting of the American Peace Societies in September. I am more than sorry not to be able to take part in the other matters which you are arranging.

Thanking Mrs. Jordan and yourself for your very hospitable invitation, I am

Faithfully yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

Dr. David Starr Jordan
Stanford University.