Beatrice Potter Webb to Jane Addams, May 10, 1915


10th May, 1915.

My dear Miss Addams,

I see that you are after all coming up to London. Is it possible that you would be able to spare the time to come and see us here? It would be a great delight to see you again, and our only hesitation is that we know you will be overwhelmed with such invitations. So that you must not even answer this note if it would be an additional burden to you.

I wish I could come and hear you at the Opera House on Wednesday, but unfortunately I have another engagement. I did not join the International Women's Congress British Committee -- though my sympathies are all in that direction. But I felt that I had not sufficient knowledge of International questions to justify me in attempting to go to the Congress held at The Hague.

We, in the Fabian Society, are trying to work out the practical machinery for preventing war, and we are having a Conference at Whitsun at the Fabian country house in the Lake District to discuss the results of our investigations. (I enclose you the Syllabus). Three or four members of Lord Bryce's Committee -- Lowes Dickinson, Graham Wallas and a very able Quaker, Mr. Richard Cross -- are coming up to join in the discussion, and [page 2] Bernard Shaw will be there. It would be an extraordinary advantage to us if by any chance you would spend a few days as our guest there? We go on Thursday, 20th.

Yours very truly,

Bea Webb. [signed]
(Mrs. Sidney Webb.)