Samuel Gompers to Jane Addams, January 9, 1915


Jan. 9, 1915

Miss Jane Addams,
New Willard Hotel,
Washington, D.C.

My dear Miss Addams:

As I stated to you in my telegram of December 30th I would do, I submitted to my colleagues of the Executive Council of the American Federation of Labor, the request contained in your letter of December 23d, for two women representatives of the American Federation of Labor to be appointed to participate in the meeting of representative women's organizations which will be held in this city next Sunday, January 10, "to consider the organization of a national peace committee of women". I also submitted to my colleagues of the Executive Council copy of the printed tentative program which you sent to me. I am now writing to advise you that the Executive Council is of the opinion that inasmuch as the propositions contained in your tentative plan are entirely out of harmony with the declaration upon the subject of international war and peace made by the last annual convention of the American Federation of Labor, held in Philadelphia, Pa., November 9-21, 1914, that compliance with your request would not be feasible or permissible.

The Executive Council in its report to the Philadelphia convention, dealt at length with the subject of international war [page 2] and peace. Copy of that portion of the report is enclosed herein. There is also enclosed copy of the report and recommendation of the committee to which this subject was referred and as adopted by the convention, together with copies of three resolutions upon the subject, submitted to the convention, and the action of the convention thereon.

You may rest assured that every action and effort will be exerted and every influence utilized for the purpose of bringing about peace among the contending European nations, with the hope of permanent peace founded upon justice, freedom and humanity.

Very truly yours,

Saml. Gompers [signed]
American Federation of Labor.


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