Christina Merriman to Secretary to Jane Addams, November 14, 1913

November 14, 1913.
Secretary to
Miss Jane Addams
Hull House, Chicago, Ill.

Dear Madame: --

Last week we sent Miss Addams the enclosed proof of a very compressed biography which is to appear in the list of the Survey staff in the annual report, which is now in press. In a post script at the bottom of the letter accompanying the draft of the report, we asked Miss Addams to add some of her important committee connections (such as the National Federation of Settlements, Child Labor Committee, etc.). These are things that the people who read The Survey are often very much interested in knowing.

Miss Addams returned the proof simply with her "O.K." on it; and Mr. Kellogg's feeling was that she had not read entirely through the post script asking for additions, and had thought that we wanted her "O.K." on this, as on the mean text of the report.

Knowing the many demands on Miss Addams' time, I have hesitated to take it up with her again. At the same time, we are reluctant to let the report go to press without rather fuller biographical notes. Perhaps you could jot down on the enclosed page a few of the important committees on which she is serving, and return it to me if possible, to reach me by Wednesday morning at the latest.

Sincerely yours,
