Jane Addams to Anita McCormick Blaine, July 21, 1906

My dear Mrs Blaine

I am so sorry to have to appeal to you once more on behalf of the Municipal Museum, but we have had official notice from the Public Library that we must put our house in order before we leave, and there seems to be absolutely no money with which to do it. Four hundred dollars would repair all damages, move us and pay three months [page 2] storage. I told you of the trustees meeting in which Mr Haldeman and I agreed to raise five hundred ↑dollars↓ each of the $1000.00 indebtedness mine was as follows

Mrs Wilmarth  100.00
Mr Butler        100.00 
Mr Meeker            25. 
Mrs Blaine          175. 
Mr Baker         100.00x

Mr Baker agreed to give his only on condition that Mr Hutchinson ↑also↓ secured $500. because he was on the note with Mr Hutchinson and might have to pay his half as Mr Hutchinson hasn't yet raised his 500.00 I am [page 3] short one hundred and our indebtedness of the bank is $600.00 at the present moment.

If you do not feel that it is fair that you should give $400. more just now, I think that I can borrow it (ex officio of course) at Mr Hutchinson's bank and we will try to clear off all of the indebtedness next fall. We will have to begin on the matter immediately. It is too bad that the Municipal Museum has not yet won public affection! [page 4] I do hope some happy chance will bring you to Chicago Aug 1st. We have a meeting of the School book Committee ↑and↓ of the school management Committee in the afternoon and of the School Board in the evening. I am sure almost that we can manage the open list for the Primers and probably "The Child Life" series at the reduced rates, will go in ↑by vote of the Board↓. I wish you were to be here with your vote and your counsel. [page 5] On that day (Aug 1st) we will also have the report of the Committee which is investigating the results of the marking and promotional systems.

With cordial greetings to your household I am always affectionately yours

Jane Addams

July 21" 1906