Eleanor Howard Bush Woods to Jane Addams, August 21, 1912


Aug 21, 1912.

Silver Bay, N.Y.
on Lake George

Dear Miss Addams,

We are sorry to hear that we have missed you in Boston and hope that on your return from Mt Dessert if that takes place after the first of September we may have the pleasure of seeing you. We shall be back by the first [page 2] of Sept. and shall remain for a couple of weeks in Concord where it would give us much pleasure to see you. We are in Miss Perkins house there.

I have felt moved several times in seeing the newspaper notices of your political activities to write a word of appreciation for the position you have [page 3] taken. The position of Mrs Harper was to be expected and will be a rock on which much of the suffrage propaganda will come to grief.

We are here at the summer school of the employed officers of the Y.M.C.A. Mr. Woods is giving a course in economics to the Boys Work Institute. There are about 90 men in all taking the whole <Boys'> course. It is a most interesting and encouraging enterprise -- a very promising lot of young men, and a fine sane religious atmosphere. The other department that is especially interesting is that known as the County Work -- which takes the Y.M.C.A. into the country districts -- it is only 4 or 5 years old and is being pursued with a great deal of intelligence. By getting a Foothold in a district a party of young men will arrive in a town on a Friday, give a minstrel show Friday evening, get up a ball [written on left margin] game Saturday afternoon and have a religious service Sunday afternoon.

[written on left margin of page 1] Please give our very kind regards to Mrs Bowen. I keep thinking of you as being in last summer's cottage.

Affectionately yrs

Eleanor H. Woods