Jane Addams to Raymond Robins, July 26, 1912


July 26, 1912.

My dear Mr. Robins: --

I am quite sure that it is not for me to suggest possible colleagues -- certainly when I have not yet accepted the position you spoke of the other day, but Mrs. Wilmarth has been in my mind very persistently.

She, as you know, has been President of the Chicago Woman's Club for several terms, and also President of the Fortnightly. She is just now President of the Consumers' League and is virtually President of the Woman's City Club. We call her President "emeritus" only in order to save her energy. She would stand out in the public mind as a typical club woman much more than anyone else who happens to be President of the Woman's Club at this moment. I am sure she could stand the strain of these few days. She has wonderful resistance and ability to put through a situation. Hoping you will pardon me for "jumping in", I am

Sincerely yours,

Jane Addams [signed]

Raymond Robins, Esq.,
Chicago, Illinois.