Ada Lois James to Jane Addams, July 9, 1912


July 9, 1912

Miss Jane Addams,
Chicago, Ill.

Dear Miss Addams:

Your letter brought consternation, but we are trying to hope that late in the fall after you have had a vacation and have returned from Ohio, that we may again have you for a short time, as so many cities are expressing a great desire to hear you.

I have written to Miss Gale of Baraboo. I suppose they are corresponding directly with you. I know how weary you must be and you have already done so much for us, that we ought to be satisfied.

We received a wire this morning from Mrs. McCulloch. Her little son is ill and they will have to abandon their trip through the state. I am more sorry than I can say, and hope the little lad is not seriously ill.

Several new county organizations have been formed and they seem to be taking hold of the work with a good deal of enthusiasm. We could do nothing with Sheboygan until you had been there, and now they are doing good work. We still have two or three of our largest counties to [enthuse]. [Marinette] and Marathon counties we shall concentrate on as they are the most indifferent.

Hoping that your vacation will be uninterrupted and bring you rest and strength, I am

Sincerely yours,

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