Jane Addams to Hannah Clothier Hull, January 14, 1924


January 14, 1924

My dear Mrs. Hull:

I do feel it is hard for the International Council to feel their way blocked by our unpopularity, and I wish very much we could resign making a statement that we do not wish to embarrass them in the raising of money, securing halls, etc. I think we could make a statement of our position quite as clearly as if they asked us to resign and ↑it↓ would also put us in a better position ↑than if they did↓. However, if the Board feel otherwise, that is for the Board to decide. I am of course, not really a member, although you are always so kind about letting me talk that I almost forget I am not. I think the Council are going to have all kinds of difficulty about money as we did, but they will always have an excellent excuse.

I am enclosing a letter from Alice Hamilton which has just come.

I think my decision right about Mrs. Catt's meeting, although I have also been urged to go as ↑a↓ delegate from the Women's Trade Union League. I am enclosing a copy of a letter from her which is as you see, the end of a long correspondence. I should be glad to have it returned. Please do not worry about the situation, it is after all what we have had for a long time.

Affectionately yours,

Jane Addams. [signed]

↑P.S. I am quite ready to abide by the decision of the Board of course.↓

Mrs. Wm. I. Hull,
504 Walnut Lane,
Swarthmore, Pa.